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August 1-4, 2019

Basic Training

This year's basic training was a little bit longer than usual and was attended by a record number of 10 ladies (including two guests from KVH Tommy & Yankee z.s. Plzeň)! The aim of this private event was to challenge ourselves in a series of physical exercises, very similar to those completed by newly-inducted Army Nurses in the 1940s. Our training course included dismounted drill, defense against chemical attack, 9 miles hike while carrying full equipment, tent pitching, guard duty, shooting and swimming combined with raft exercises in water. Apart from physical training, all participants attended four lectures, where they learned about different ANC uniforms and equipment, the chain of evacuation during WWII, nursing basics (how to check the pressure and how to give an injection) and first aid, as well as how to be a good and authentic reenactor. At the end of the event all participants took the theory test which covered topics discussed during training and received their certificates. We hope that knowledge that we gained last week will help us become even better reenactors. And to be honest, we can't wait to put those heavy musette bags on our backs again next year!

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